Monday, May 8, 2023

Notebook Shoppi ng


Notebook Shopping


A few years ago, 2020, I bought around 20 notebooks, around 8" x 5", with cute covers.  Just notebooks, but I like to write so I needed a bunch of them.  I remember being a little annoyed at the selections at the time, having first gone to Walmart and being surprised that they just didn't seem to have such things in stock.  Well, OK.  Not everyone is me.  

Do you know I have finally run out of notebooks?  I thought it would be a simple matter to buy more smaller sized notebooks, (size A5), but for some crazy reason the prices were astronomical and the selections were called "surprise" colors.  I think this means black.  

I checked the prices I paid three years ago, and also the vendor.  Everything "currently unavailable."  Wow.  I liked my crazy little notebooks.  Now?  What should I have done, bought hundreds of them?  I would have bought more if I thought this was going to happen.  

Boy, the funny options.  Did I want dotted lines?  Did I want an elastic band?  Plastic cover?  Purple?  Tabs?   Leather covered?  Fake leather covered for vegans?  A lock?  But no pretty covers. 

They seemed to want to sell fancy smancy features to justify charging around $10 for 80 sheets.  80 sheets? they cried.  160 pages if you count the front and back.   So beware of the wording.  A page isn't a sheet.  

I finally found some nice notebooks.  And what does it matter?  I don't know.  

Size A5, about 8" x 5"    Van Gogh

ize B5  About 11" x 7".   This is a biggie - 300 sheets

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