Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Egg Solution Part 2


The excitement mounts.  The eggs are hard boiled.  They turned out perfect.  

How do I make perfect hard boiled eggs?  I have an Instant Pot.  I also have a wire basket accessory for it.   I put about 12 oz. of water in the pot, and put two dozen eggs in the basket.  Then I set it to pressure cook on high for four (4) minutes.   I then forgot the whole thing until I had left it on for two more minutes.  Oops.  

Still, they came out just like I wanted.  They're  all sitting in a cold bowl of water now.  There is a second batch going, which should finish up the egg project.  At least step one.   

I've kept these eggs on the counter in August for at least three weeks, since I probably bought too many eggs.   Therefore, either they needed to be tossed out or created into something fabulous.  This will mean 10 used for deviled eggs, about 10 used for egg salad which will morph into tuna, chicken, and egg salads, and leave twelve eggs for having hard boiled eggs either for lunch or a snack.   Part of tuna and chicken salads will probably need to go in the freezer.  

It's a bit of a relief that they didn't spoil.  Good eggy.  Besides that, there's something ready to eat.  


Major screw up.  I made two big mistakes.  I forgot to close the vent to the Instant Pot so it didn't pressurize.  Then I forgot about the whole thing until the eggs had been cooking for thirty minutes.  Oh no!  They were still perfect.  

That's life in Paradise today...


Egg Solution Part 1


Lots of people find themselves with a surplus of eggs.  I have three dozen eggs right now that cry out to be used for egg dishes.  There are another two dozen that are fresh and would be good for scrambled and sunny side up eggs.  The surplus eggs are past their prime, and I think their best use would be as hard boiled eggs.  You've come to the right place eggies.  I know how to hard boil eggs perfectly, quickly and in large batches.  

So I am going to hard boil three dozen eggs.  This would allow another week or so to eat them.  Now I need to plan how I'll use them. 

Deviled eggs go over like wild, so around a dozen would be deviled eggs.  

Then there is egg salad.  And once you have egg salad, it can also be used as an ingredient in tuna and chicken salad, which ties right into the surplus of chicken thighs right now.  Between the three salads, probably another dozen could be used.  

Two dozen down, one to go.  There is eating hard boiled eggs for a meal of four to six eggs.  

Finally, pickled eggs could be a use for all thirty six eggs. 

Sometime I'd like to  try and preserve eggs.  Well, that's probably not going to happen.  

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The Best Salt According to Science (NOT what you think!)

Extreme Heat Almost Over


Today the temperature was 101ยบ.  I got a news flash from Rabbit Man that it was 104ยบ where he lives.   He was saying the news often lies, even about the weather, and especially about Kamala.  Oh, they never do such things.  

So, Wednesday and Thursday are forecast to be more of the heat wave.  And then?  It's over!!  No more temperatures above 90ยบ for the rest of the year and most of next year, too.  What a relief.  

Time for a Coke.   A Coke and a cold bath.   I've got to celebrate.  

Today's Accomplishments


Number one.  I went to the beauty shop.  From the beauty shop to Walmart to shop for groceries.  Then, on to the carwash.   Then put gas in the car.   Then, yes, I brought in the groceries and fixed dinner and washed dishes.   Oh, and did some weed eating in my beautiful yard. 

It all sounds so industrious.  And yet, why oh why didn't I go to the dollar store and buy orange drink?  How will I feel when what I have is all gone??  Not so good.   When do I plan to burn boxes?  Today?  No way.  It's too hot and too dry.   Maybe Friday.    What about taking out the trash?  Not sure.   

I'm pretty happy with myself.  

Everyone Will Be Saving Cardboard When They See This Genius Idea!

Monday, August 26, 2024

Putting Out Ant Granules


The ants have managed to break into the house again.  First they started harassing Mrs. Billingsley.  I found it surprising that they were back, but the granules don't last forever.  Finally, I put on plastic gloves and got out my bag of granules to sprinkle around the outside of the house.  

I found an anthill and gave them a dose of granules, then sprinkled around the outside of the house near the foundation.   I had to talk myself into this chore because after this week the temperatures will be around 5 - 10ยบ cooler.  It's the temperatures above 95ยบ that they really like, and that's almost over.   Besides that, the granules need to be soaked into the ground after they are sprinkled.  It probably won't rain for two or three days.   But....   the ants have to go....  NOW!!  

So at around 3:30, I went out and sprinkled ant granules.  Then I went out and watered the areas.  It was nice to have it done.

As I walked inside, for no reason at all, a wasp landed on my hand and stung me!!!   Owwwwww!!!!   

I'm in recovery.   

Monday, August 19, 2024

5-DAY CARNIVORE MEAL PLAN 2023 // Eat Meat, Lose Fat, & Gain Muscle

Vacation Destinations


Happy Monday


Canadians Cause Cool August

Weather videos have shown "cold" fronts coming from Canada.  Sometimes they don't say Canada.  They will say "arctic."  OK.  Sure.  It's the Canadians.  This time though, they've chosen to get arctic in August.  It's hardly even been 90ยบ all summer, and it's not expected to reach 100ยบ for the whole month of August.   How do the Canadians do this?  They have big fans and blow cold air down here.  I'm really grateful for the timing this time though.  August has been more like the beginning of fall.   Thank you Canada.  


Thursday, August 15, 2024

Wasp Warpath


Sometimes I start up Mrs. Billingsley's car just to keep the battery charged.  Sometimes I drive it to the store.  A couple of weeks ago, I decided that I should start up her car.  I was going to put down the windows when I noticed a zillion red wasps swarming the driver's side window trying to get me.  Oh.  I took the car for a ride and after about a mile I had lost them.  Then I went home and parked the car in a different spot, hoping to confuse the rest of them.   

Today I decided to do some chores.  Take out the trash, start Mrs. Billingsley's car, and let it charge for a while, and start a load of laundry.  I supposed this would take ten minutes or so.  

All hell broke loose out in the yard.  I first took out the trash, and noticed some paper lying in the driveway.  When I tried to pick it up, I stepped in an anthill.  How could this be?  Didn't I just put out ant granules?  I guess I missed a spot.  

I tossed out the trash,  and went inside to retrieve the key to the car, still rubbing my ant bites.   I usually like to get the car turned on in hot weather before closing the door, so the air conditioning can start working and I can roll down the windows.  So I turned on the car and was glad it started right away.  After around 30 seconds it looked like the coast was clear with the wasp attacks, so I rolled down the windows.  Suddenly a swarm of wasps came out.  I leapt out of the car and managed to get to the house without being bitten.  And there I sat trying to decide what to do.  OK.  I'll take a can of bug spray and spray ahead of myself as I walk out to the car.  That worked OK, and a few wasps were harmed along the way.  I jumped inside the car and got the windows rolled back up, but the AC wasn't working very well at all, and it was too hot.  I drove down the road about a mile, and started back, thinking all was well so I could go ahead and roll down the windows.  A big red wasp immediately came and sat on the edge of the open window and tried to decide if I was the problem.  Oh horrors.   Why had I not sprayed the wasp nest a couple of weeks ago when I first found out about it?  Because I was afraid of wasps.   I guess I'm going to have to go out tonight after wasp bedtime and spray the wasp nest. 

I put the windows back up and got home again.  When I got in the house I regrouped, and decided to go put granules on the anthill.  So that anthill has been dealt with now.  

Going inside, I was very overheated again from all the yard mischief, and saw that my 10 minute chore had taken an hour and a half.  Cheesh. 

Happy Thursday


Wednesday, August 14, 2024

What A Day


My yard had gone back to nature.  I had cleared a path to the car with the weed eater.  

I am happy to say that the ants have learned their lesson.  Yesterday I sprinkled ant granules around, and today I went out and watered the area because those were the instructions on the package.  I should have done it yesterday, but the ants got me.  Anyway, it got done.  There was some drama involved. 

Today was very hot again, 100ยบ.  Boo hoo.  I was determined to get the granules watered into the yard, and I had also scheduled a shopping trip for groceries.  

So, somehow the yard was watered, and part of the problem was the height of the grass.   Just below the shoulders I would say.   I took another cold bath, and rested for about half an hour.  The heat, the ants, the grass.  I was exhausted.  Then I heard a wondrous sound....   The sound of a lawn mower mowing my yard.  I straightened myself up to go see the miracle and went outside.  Yes, it was true.  David was mowing the yard.  YAY!!!  

Incredibly, order has been restored in the yard.  

How a Long-Forgotten Treatment Is Curing People of Superbug Infections


Hitler phones Kamala Harris